

About Me

I am horrible because of my history.
Name Sonya
Gender Female
Age 16
Location Chicago, IL
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Men
Status Single
Interests listening to music, watching tvmovies, hanging out with friends, taking walks, making layouts, writing my novel
Music green day, my chemical romance, the killers, the beatles, abba, franz ferdinand, coldplay, panic at the disco, nirvana, pink floyd, christmas music, kaiser chiefs, from first to last, led zeppelin, motion city soundtrack, the postal service, arctic monkeys, the raconteurs, matchbook romance, the libertines, explosions in the sky, cold war kids, the subways
Movies the blues brothers, ferris bueller's day off, a clockwork orange, animal house, mean girls, bullet in a bible, life on the murder scene, love actually hotel, rwanda, you've got mail, the da vinci code, the devil wears prada, my big fat greek wedding, the producers, the omen, south park bigger, longer, and uncut, borat, trading places, the pursuit of happyness, little miss sunshine, office space, superstar, marie antoinette, shaun of the dead, coming to america, drive me crazy, zoolander, thank you for smoking
TV south park, the daily show, the cosby show, fresh prince of belair, mind of mencia, the colbert report, scrubs, supernanny xd, what not to wear, house hunters, roseanne, divine design, the soup
Books the da vinci code, a clockwork orange, harry potter series, bloomability, lemony snicket series, the omen, freakanomics, catcher in the rye, night, the right address, number the stars, in my hands

Contact Me

IM korovamilkbar14


Showing latest 1 of 1 comments

thanks for the layout comment :D

By Mm-giraffe on Jul 17, 2007 3:38 pm · History


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Last update Jul 11, 2007


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